Most of us have known about
Burger Farming or Burger Deal in SimCity Buildit, which is known as the fastest method of earning simoleons. It means
buying as many burgers as you can on the GTHQ and then selling them to city advisors for more than their market value. You can make millions of simoleons per day if you spend a moderate amount of time on the game. Once you’ve mastered this method, you can use it as your main (or only) source of income so that you don’t have to tend to their stores, factories and trade depots all day long! Therefore, today, I wanna make a full guide for every one who needs make thousands of simoleons. Now, let’s cut to the bone.

What Is Burger Farming?
In SimCity Buildit, when you sell your item in your storage, those deals are random and vary in price. Some deals are bad (slightly over face value), while others are good (30%+ profit). To get a good deal, you could sell off everything but that one type of item and earn up to 30% above max value by waiting for a good deal. So, Why choose burgers instead of sugar, spice, or other items? Burgers are the most expensive item in the game, by far. The profit from selling 100 burgers at 30% more than the market value would be much larger than the profit from selling 100 sugar or spice at 30% more than the market value.
So, all you need to do is to clear your storage and buy as many burgers as you can on the GTHQ. Then sell them to city advisors for more than their market value
How To Make Simoleons By Burger Farming?
1. Sell off everything but your burgers.Vu, storage, land items and so on, all of those should be cleared. Having only one type of item in your storage will maximize the number of simoleon deals asking for that item, and minimize the number of simoleon deals asking for other items.
2. Shop the GTHQ and buy all the burgers you can find. Herein we recommend that you go to the packages of 3, 4 and 5 since those cities are more likely to be selling other packages of burgers as well.
3. Return to your city and look for simoleon deals for burgers (they appear on police stations). If you see one, then click on it. To relive yourself from endless grinding, you can also buy
Cheap SimCity Buildit Simcash & Simoleons right from our Note that only accept any deals offering over $4000 per burger and reject any that offer less. Accept every deal can give you a profitable money and then restock burger on GTHQ, even a small profit. Since your goal is making money, and you can’t wait for a massive burger deal just like old time. Furthermore, when you restore your burger, most likely you can have another deal after 1-2 min, but when you decline an offer, you way wait about 10 minutes. In addition, make sure to decline all offers that ask for other random items. Otherwise it would take up the space of a burger deal!
4. Repeat!
Further Tips On Burger Farming
First, to practice Burger farming, you need to be level 31 or higher. If you are under level 31, you can use another expensive item instead. Secondly, to increase the rate of burger dealing pop up, make sure you remove any landscape, educations, transportation, beach, mountain and replace normal power, water, sewage, waste management with omega items and maxis manor for other infrastructure.