Pokemon Go March Community Day Guide: Release Date, Featured Pokemon, Bonuses And More
The next Pokemon Go Community Day,
Pokemon Go March Community Day is just around the corner, which is confirmed to come on this Saturday, March 23, offering trainers a chance to catch another rare pokemon and unlock generous exclusive rewards. As always, our
Rvgm.com will be walking you though all the information you need to know about March Community Day. So be sure to study up below in preparation.

Pokemon Go March Community Day Release Date
As usual, March's Community Day will run for three hours, during which you'll be able to find increased spawns of a certain Pokemon. This time around, it begins on March 23, 2019. We’ve included some exact timings below:
GMT: 3 p.m. - 6 p.m.
PST: 3 p.m. - 6 p.m.
JST: 3 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Pokemon Go March Community Day Featured Pokemon, Shiny Treecko
For this month's Community Day, the featured Pokemon is Treecko, the Grass-type starter from Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire. Throughout the event, trainers will more often see Treecko in the wild. if you can evolve it into Sceptile up to an hour after the Community Day ends, the Pokemon will automatically know the powerful Grass-type attack Frenzy Plant. In addition, Niantic will puts an exclusive move into Pokemon Go related to the featured pokemon. As usual, so far, there’s no word on which move will be given away on the day. So Make sure to evolve Treecko into its final form by the end of the event if you want to secure whatever this special attack ends up being.
Treecko Stats Overview And Treecko Counters
Pokemon GO Treecko is a Grass type Pokemon with a max CP of 1053, 124 attack, 94 defense and 120 stamina in Pokemon GO.
Treecko is extremely frail with a poor defensive typing and is thus vulnerable to super effective attacks, powerful offensive Pokemon, and strong priority. Treecko is also extremely weak before a Swords Dance boost, meaning that it is quite reliant on the move to do any notable damage. It can still struggle to break past some bulky threats after a boost, such as Spritzee, Vullaby, Mareanie, and Foongus. Treecko also suffers from a slight case of four-moveslot syndrome, as its choice of coverage will either prevent it from hurting Fire- and Poison-types if it uses Acrobatics or from hurting Grass- and Fighting-types if it uses Rock Slide.
Therefore herein we recommend you Ponyta, Spritzee and Snubbull, Poison-types pokemons and Flying-types pokemons. To catch a Treecho, you can use
Cheap Pokemon Coins from
Rvgm.com for g Incense Lure Modules.
Pokemon Go March Community Day Bonuses
1/4 Hatch Distance
3 Hour Lures
Further Thoughts
We can’t wait for March Community Day! At the moment, Pokemon Go 2019 Spring Equinox Event is now live on all platforms and runs until 1 PM PT / 4 PM ET on Tuesday, March 26, featuring grass-type pokemons and shiny pokemons: Rock/Psychic-types Lunatone and Solrock.
Be sure to follow along as
Rvgm.com will be sure to inform each Pokemon Go Community Day guide monthly and guides on the game to ensure you better gaming experience.