As a universal defender,
Smoke is perfect for new players starting out and also one of the most popular operators in Rainbow Six Siege, whose straightforward skillset makes him easily roam, spawn peek, and defend objective. The most notable skill of him is
the remote gas grenades, filled with a poison gas which damages and slows down enemies, perfect for slowing down an attack and blocking entrances. However, Smoke is a complicated and competitive operator whose ability is far more than that. To save your time, this guide covers some essential tips for making the most of Smoke in Rainbow Six Siege.
Smoke’s Weapon Loadouts
Smoke has two primary weapons including the FMG-9 submachine gun and the M590A1 pump-action shotgun and a secondary weapon, the SMG-11. The FMG-9 is a consistently good weapon which is quite accurate and ok damage. As with the M590A1 pump-action shotgun, you need to use them for close quarters. Most many Smokes may rely entirely on the SMG-11 to get kills. However, knowing when to switch to the shotgun can be a life saver. Just make sure you don’t switch back too quick after shooting it, otherwise when you go back to shotty again you’ll still have to pump out the shell casing. In addition, when using the SMG-11, make sure to use shotgun/SMG-11 for maximum versatility, which will give you the ability to make quick rotation/murder holes while still having a great secondary. It requires practice to do it, however is one of the best guns out there when mastered.
Smoke’s Gadgets
Smoke has barbed wire, Compound Z8 Gas and the impact grenades. Compound Z8 Gas are very useful for blocking off enemies, making them run away and also just clouding their vision. The barbed wire can slow enemies down and they will inhale more of your stinky cans of Z8, leaving them more injured and making more sound. Deploy these close to the main doorways or where you feel your enemy will enter from and bam you caught yourself an operator. Last, the impact grenades can be useful for getting out of sticky situations. Grab this if you want to go roaming, which smoke is amazing at. By the way, for
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Smoke’s Skill
Smoke’s remote gas grenades have a lot going for them. They’re sticky, meaning you can latch them onto walls. Their detonation is remote as well, allowing for you to surprise the enemy. The following some tips you should keep in mind when you use those gas grenades. First, your gas will most likely not kill people, but that isn't the purpose of it anyway, it is used for getting the enemy to panic, and making them go somewhere, a bit like herding. Use your gas to make enemies get into your line of sight, or if they already are, to make them panic letting you get the upper hand. Second, it matters how your gas bomb stays, if its on the wall, it will smoke the area infront of it, if its on the ceiling or floor, it will smoke the area around it, this means if you throw a gas grenade on the floor you will have a better chance at trapping your enemy in smoke for a longer time. Here comes the last note. With the long throwing range of the gas, sometimes it’s a good idea to pump a hole in the top of a wall so you can sit far back in site and gas from a safe distance. One example of this is Consulate garage between cafeteria and back of white van. Practice the throw in a custom, if done right you can Smoke from cafeteria and get it to land right in front of white van.