While Pokemon Go is currently limited to the first few generations of Pokemon, to celebrate the full-blown release of Pokemon Let’s Go: Pikachu and Eevee, recently Niantic has released some shiny Pokemon for pokemon trainers to catch out in the world. Over this weekend,
Alolan Pokemon was also added to Pokemon Go as part of an ongoing promotion for the new Pokemon games. Besides, Pokemon Go also added
the regular Raichu and various Eeveelutions as Raid Bosses to promote the new Nintendo Switch games. To save you time, here’s how to catch some of Pokemon Go’s Alolan Pokemon forms.

The Alolan Raichu is an Electric/Psychic-type Pokemon that was first introduced in Pokemon Sun and Moon. The Alolan Raichu can only be found in the Alola region and can "surf" on its tail using its Psychic abilities. While it's unclear what caused the regional chance, the most recent Pokemon games speculate it could be because of its love of pancakes. You can see what the Shiny Alolan Raichu looks like in the above image. By the way, you can buy
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Unlike most other Shiny Pokemon, the Shiny Alolan Raichu can only be encountered as a Raid Boss, which is going to be down to sheer luck. You may encounter them in the wild or hatch them from 7km Pokemon eggs, or what else. You just have to keep trying. Besides, to increase success rate, you also require an optimized team to work with. The following are what you should do to to catch some of Pokemon Go’s Alolan Pokemon forms.
Alolan Rattata & Alolan Raticate: these pair both appear in the wild. Alolan Rattata can also hatch from 7km eggs. Alolan Raticate can of course be evolved from the Alolan Rattata, too.
Alolan Diglett & Alolan Geodude: hatched from 7km eggs but also rarely found in the wild.
Alolan Sandshrew, Vulpix, Meowth & Grimer: all six of these ‘basic’ non-evovled forms can be hatched from 7km eggs. That leads right into…
Alolan Sandslash, Ninetales, Persian, Dugtrio, Graveler, Golem & Muk: these evolved forms of the previous Pokemon are all obtained through evolution – just evolve the earlier Alola form and it’ll naturally be an Alolan form after evolution, too.
Alolan Exeggutor: available as a raid battle at gyms but also occasionally found in the wild
Alolan Raichu, Exeggutor & Marowak: available as Tier 2, 3 and 4 raid battles at gyms from 19th July 2018 onwards.
As we mentioned before, to celebrate the release of Pokemon Let’s Go games,the spawn rates of many shiny pokemon in Pokémon Let’s Go are considerably higher than its mobile counterpart. Even then, there are still a few exploits players can take advantage of to further increase those chances of encountering Shinies.
Pokemon that disappear off-screen are actually tucked away in the Switch’s RAM. These Pokemon are considered OLD spawns, and are not included in the 1 in 315 Shiny spawn rate that was discovered. This means every time a player re-enters an area, there are less new Pokemon spawning around them, thus resulting in more time being needed for a Shiny to spawn. Since the system’ s RAM is being taken up by OLD spawns whenever the player is avoiding wild Pokemon, the simple solution is to start encountering and catching any Pokemon that match the shiny players are pursuing.