To accelerate your upgrading progress in Dota 2 Auto Chess, our made up this progression guide. With this guide, you will
increase your chances of winning in Dota Auto Chess and grant yourself the chance to rank up to the much-wanted Bishop rank. Now let’s cut to the bone. If you need
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How to Rank Up to Bishop Fast and Easy in Dota Auto Chess 2?
Know Each Unit
First but also the most important, know each units. Not only do you need to know the strength of each unit, but also you have to know which units are strong together. As with strong units, Timbersaw 2 is a very strong unit, even by himself. So is Beastmaster, Shadow Fiend, Kunka, templar assasin, techies, gyro (situational), tide & especially disrupter. In term of unit combination, maybe it might differ from player to player based on their playstyle. However, some unit combinations are commonly recommended and universally used. Herein we just name some of them. For example, things like having Jugg and Axe together will give +250hp to each unit. Having a level 2 star Beastmaster, Axe and Jugg, is better than any other combination of tier 2 level 2 warrior synergy (+7 for armor for each unit). Knowing that having Abaddon and Drow will reduce the entire enemy armor by 5, and having these at level one might be better than having a different level 2 unit on the board. And there’s more.
Have A Good Economy
Sometimes, You can win pubs just by having a good economy. But be wise about your money. Money is a resource. But so is life. You need to balance both resources. Sacrificing too much life for economy is bad, because while you're consistently losing but saving, someone else with good rng is consistently winning and saving.
Therefore, identify when you should sacrifice economy to maintain a win-streak. If you have 40 gold and are on a win-streak, and need to upgrade your courier twice to get 8 units on the board, spend the 10 gold, get another unit on the board to maintain the streak. You're only losing 1 interest, to highly increase the probability of another +3 gold win streak. Even if you lose, you still have +3 interest to work with.
Learn and Use Race and Class Combos
Most beginners, when they are struggling to learn how to play and understand the interface during their first few games, don't know or understand race or class combos. Once they find out about them, it's a pretty huge deal and they get excited and start winning a lot more rounds.
Combos are essential.If there's one thing you must understand about them, it's that you must have unique pieces to activate most race and class combo. What this means is that you can't have 2 axes and a jug on your front line and activate the warrior bonus. You must have unique pieces, like 1 tusk 1 jug and 1 axe to activate the class combo. There are some different or weird exceptions like Ogres or Druids (druids have no actual buff benefit.)
In addition, a general rule of thumb about combos is that, during most stages of a match, you'll need a front line. You'll need pieces that can tank some damage in the front and you'll need a back line of supports or damage dealers behind them. Meaning that you should get at least 2 mechs, 2 knights, or 3 warriors in the front to take advantage of their first level of class bonuses.